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Monday 30th August |
Location: Hotel Diplomat, Prague Hall, 1st floor |
9:00 | | Welcoming address |
9:15 – 10:30 | | Scientific session 1. Genes and development I Moderators: J. Ashmore, F. Santos-Sacchi |
9:15 | |
Combinatorial regulation of hair cell induction by transcription factors
A. F. Ryan, M. Masuda, La Jolla |
9:30 | |
New insights into IGF-I actions in cochlear development and function
L. Rodriguez de la Rosa, G. Camarero, R. Cediel, S. Murillo-Cuesta, I. Varela-Nieto, Madrid |
9:45 | |
Notch-Hes1 pathway contributes to the cochlear prosensory formation through the transcriptional down-regulation of p27Kip1
J. Murata, T. Ohtsuka, A. Tokunaga, K. Kamiya, H. Inohara, K. Ikeda, H. Okano, R. Kageyama, Osaka, Kyoto, Tokyo |
10:00 | |
LIM-homeodomain Islet1 (ISL1) transcription factor in neurosensory development of the inner ear
G. Pavlinkova, B. Fritsch, R. Bohuslavova, L. Kuthanova, Prague, Omaha |
10:15 | |
Cochlea supporting cell-specific ablation in vivo in mice
M. M. M. Lagarde, B. Cox, L. Zhang, A. Forge, R. Taylor, J. Zuo, Memphis, London |
10:30 – 11:15 | | Coffee break and poster viewing |
11:15 – 12:30 | | Scientific session 2. Genes and development II Moderators: C. Hackney, I. Varela-Nieto |
11:15 | |
Calcium binding proteins and the development of the inner ear in the mouse
J. Syka, D. Buckiová, Prague |
11:30 | |
Abnormal structure and function of the intermediate-basal cell unit in stria vascularis of connexin30 null mice J. Kelly, A. Forge, D. Jagger, London |
11:45 | |
Disturbed postnatal development of the organ of Corti in dominant-negative Cx26 mutant mice
K. Ikeda, A. Inoshita, A. Minekawa, K. Kamiya, T. Iizuka, Tokyo |
12:00 | |
Functional studies of the first knock-in mouse model for a connexin 30 mutation linked to nonsyndromic autosomal dominant deafness in humans (Cx30T5M)
F. Mammano, M. Schütz, P. Scimemi, P. Majumder, R. D. De Siati, G. Crispino, L. Rodriguez, M. Bortolozzi, R. Santarelli, A. Seydel, S. Sonntag, N. Ingham, K. P. Steel, K. Willecke, Padua, Bonn, Treviso, Cambridge |
12:15 | |
Connexin 26 structure and function investigated in silico by Molecular Dynamics simulations
F. Zonta, G. Zanotti, F. Mammano, Padua |
12:30 – 14:00 | | Lunch and poster viewing |
14:00 – 15:30 | | Scientific session 3. Genes and development III Moderators: A. Ryan, J. Schacht |
14:00 | |
Development and pathology of the human otic capsule
S. Soucek, L. Michaels, London |
14:15 | |
Expression pattern of Olig gene family in the developing inner ears
N. Yamamoto, A. Yoshida, T. Nakagawa, J. Ito, Kyoto |
14:30 | |
Ush1c gene expression levels in the ear and eye suggest different roles for Ush1c in neurosensory organs in a new Ush1c knockout mouse
C. Tian, X. Z. Liu, F. Han, H. Yu, C. Longo-Guess, B. Yang, F. Han, C. Lu, D. Yan, Q. Y. Zheng, Cleveland |
14:45 | |
Impaired and derailed sensory neurons in the inner ear of Slitrk6-deficient mice
A. Zine, K.-I. Katayama, M. Ota, Y. Matsumoto, T. Inoue, J. Aruga, Montpellier |
15:00 | |
Tmprss3, a serine protease deficient in human DFNB8/10 deafness, is critical for the hair cell survival at the onset of hearing
L. Fasquelle, H. Scott, M. Lenoir, J. Wang, G. Rebillard, S. Gaboyard, E. Neidhart, J.-L. Puel, M. Guipponi, B. Delprat, Geneva, Montpellier, Adelaide |
15:15 | |
The expression pattern and the function of Septins in the mouse cochlea
A. Yoshida, N. Yamamoto, T. Nakagawa, J. Ito, Kyoto |
15:30 – 16:15 | | Coffee break and poster viewing |
16:15 – 17:15 | | Scientific session 4. Otoprotection and presbycusis Moderators: F. Nuttall, J. Pickles |
16:15 | |
Contribution of IL6 and STAT3 to otoprotection
A. J. Szczepek, Y. Yu, H. Olze, H. Haupt, B. Mazurek, Berlin |
16:30 | |
Trauma/inflammatory cascade-induced hair cell and hearing losses can be prevented by polymer- eluted dexamethasone
T. R. Van de Water, E. Bas, C. T. Dinh, R. Abi-Hachem, S. Angeli, A. A. Eshraghi, Miami |
16:45 | |
Long-term antioxidant diet changes cochlear antioxidant capacity but not age-related hearing loss
S.-H. Sha, M. A. Lauderdale, K. Halsey, K. Wearne, J. Schacht, Ann Arbor |
17:00 | |
Adenosine kinase inhibition in the cochlea delays the onset of age-related hearing loss in C57BL/6J mice
S. M. Vlajkovic, C. X. Guo, R. Telang, A. C. Y. Wong, V. Paramananthasivam, D. Boison, G. D. Housley, P. R. Thorne, Auckland, Sydney, Portland |
20:00 – 23:00 | | Beer Party Dinner at the Strahov Monastery Restaurant (more info) |
Tuesday 31st August |
Location: Hotel Diplomat, Prague Hall, 1st floor |
9:00 – 10:30 | | Scientific session 5. Function of hair cells Moderators: F. Mammano, K. Ikeda |
9:00 | |
Effect of chloride and membrane holding potential on OHCs: simultaneous measures of electromotility and nonlinear capacitance
J. Santos-Sacchi, L. Song, New Haven |
9:15 | |
Mechanotransducer currents and resting potentials in cochlear outer hair cells
M. Beurg, R. Fettiplace, S. L. Johnson, W. Marcotti, Madison, Sheffield |
9:30 | |
Analysis of transmembrane structure of prestin by single molecule force spectroscopy
M. Murakoshi, T. Kawase, S. Kumano, H. Wada, Sendai |
9:45 | |
Identification of the electromotility motif in prestin, the motor protein of cochlear outer hair cells
X. Tan, J. Pecka, J. Tang, O. Okoruwa, S. Lovas, K. Beisel, D. He, Omaha |
10:00 | |
Translocation of prestin having mutation in the GTSRH sequence by salicylate
H. Wada, S. Kumano, M. Murakoshi, K. Iida, K. Ishihara, K. Tsumoto, K. Ikeda, T. Kobayashi, Sendai |
10:15 | |
Self-tuning and coupling between hair cells of the inner ear
D. Bozovic, C. E. Strimbu, L. Fredrickson, Los Angeles |
10:30 – 11:15 | | Coffee break and poster viewing |
11:15 – 12:30 | | Scientific session 6. Audiovestibular research Moderators: S. Klis, T. Van de Water |
11:15 | |
Somatostatin receptor-1 and -2 in the mammalian cochlea
V. Radojevic, C. Setz, Y. Brand, A. Lystio, J. Kapfhammer, D. Bodmer, Basel |
11:30 | |
A new approach for semi-automatic segmentation of the cochlea from CT images
A. A. Poznyakovskiy, Y. M. Yarin, Y. Kalaidzidis, B. Fischer, N. Lazulashvili, T. Zahnert, Dresden |
11:45 | |
Glutamate agonist causes irreversible degeneration of inner hair cells
N. Hakuba, J. Hyodo, M. Okada, Y. Omotehara, K. Gyo, Matsuyama |
12:00 | |
A re-examination of the striated organelle in vestibular endorgans
F. Vranceanu, A. Lysakowski, Chicago |
12:15 | |
Morphological change of the cupula and its effect on the semicircular canal activity
M. Suzuki, U. Konomi, K. Otsuka, Y. Iimura, T. Inagaki, T. Kondo, Y. Ogawa, Tokyo |
12:30 – 14:00 | | Lunch and poster viewing |
14:00 – 15:30 | | Scientific session 7. Spiral ganglion neurons Moderators: R. Fettiplace, M. Knipper |
14:00 | |
Myelination and protein expression associated with human spiral ganglion neuron preservation
W. Liu, M. Boström, A. Kinnefors, F. Linthicum, H. Rask-Andersen, Uppsala, Los Angeles |
14:15 | |
Voltage-dependent ion conductances in long-term cultures of rat spiral ganglion neurons
D. McAlpine, P. Mistrík, D. Jagger, London |
14:30 | |
Intrinsic determinants of enhanced mid-frequency sensitivity in murine spiral ganglion neurons
Q. Liu, E. Lee, R. L. Davis, New Jersey |
14:45 | |
Effects of electrical stimulation on the acoustically evoked compound action potential
H. C. Stronks, H. Versnel, V. F. Prijs, S. F. L. Klis, Utrecht |
15:00 | |
The transcriptional response of spiral ganglion neurons to deafferentation is partially ameliorated by acute electrical stimulation
J. C. Kopelovich, E. Bailey, J. R. Manak, S. Butcher, S. H. Green, Iowa City |
15:15 | |
The expansive relation between instantaneous rate of period histograms and instantaneous pressure of pure tones is retained at high stimulus levels
J. W. Horst, J. McGee, E. J. Walsh, Groningen, Omaha |
15:30 – 16:15 | | Coffee break and poster viewing |
16:15 – 17:30 | | Scientific session 8. Cochlear pathologies I Moderators: B. Lonsbury-Martin, J. Popelář |
16:15 | |
Cochlear repair and hair cells regeneration after human pluripotent stem cell transplantation to nod-scid mice made deaf with kanamycin and intense noise
R. P. Revoltella, V. Franceschini, R. Saccardi, S. Urbani, B. Mazzanti, A. Martini, Pisa, Bologna, Florence, Padua |
16:30 | |
An in vitro model of synapse degeneration and regeneration in the cochlea
Q. Wang, S. H. Green, Iowa City |
16:45 | |
A role for Hensen cells in the resolution of inflammatory responses in the cochlea
A. Maricle, G. Kalinec, D. Guerrero, R. Gellibolian, P. Webster, F. Kalinec, Los Angeles |
17:00 | |
Matrix metalloproteinases -2 and -9 in the cochlea: expression and activity after aminoglycoside exposition
C. Setz, Y. Brand, V. Radojevic, C. Hanusek, P. J. Mullen, S. Levano, A. Listyo, D. Bodmer, Basel |
17:15 | |
Ototoxicity and bacteriostatic activity of Burow’s solution
T. Morizono, T. Yamano, M. Sugamura, H. Higuchi, T. Ueno, T. Nakagawa, Fukuoka |
17:30 – 18:00 | | Business meeting |
20:00 – 23:00 | | Gala Dinner at the Kaiserštejnský Palác (more info) |
Wednesday 1st September |
Location: Hotel Diplomat, Prague Hall, 1st floor |
9:30 – 10:30 | | Scientific session 9. Cochlear pathologies II Moderators: D. Mc Alpine, A. Meyer zum Gottesberge |
9:30 | |
Evaluation of hyperbranched Poly-L-Lysine uptake and toxicity on inner ear derived cell line as a function of concentration and architecture
E. Corbacella, Z. Kadlecova, L. Astolfi, H. A. Klok, A. Martini, Ferrara, Lausanne, Padua |
9:45 | |
Manufacturing and in vivo inner ear visualization of MRI traceable multifunctional liposome nanoparticles tagged by gadolinium
J. Zou, R. Sood, S. Ranjan, D. Poe, U. A. Ramadan, P. Kinnunen, I. Pyykkö, Tampere, Helsinki |
10:00 | |
The passage of nanoparticles from the middle ear to the cochlea in the rat
D. Buckiová, J. Popelář, T. Chumak, J. Syka, Prague |
10:15 | |
Cause of sudden hearing loss (Where’s the energy?)
G. Offutt, Green Lane |
10:30 – 11:00 | | Coffee break |
11:00 – 12:00 | | Scientific session 10. Varia Moderators: G. Martin, J. Syka |
11:00 | |
A CCTTT-repeat at the promoter of NOS2A gene confers protection to Ménière`s disease in two cohorts of European population
J. A. Lopez-Escamez, A. Moreno, I. Gazquez, I. Aran, A. Soto-Varela, S. Santos, H. Perez-Garrigues, M. A Lopez-Nevot, Almería |
11:15 | |
Two Portuguese cochlear implanted dizygotic twins: a case report
J. Chora, T. Matos, J. Martins, M. Alves, R. Santos, L. Silva, C. Ribeiro, G. Fialho, H. Caria, Lisbon, Coimbra, Setúbal |
11:30 | |
The GJB2 gene and hearing loss: beyond the coding region
T. D. Matos, H. Simões-Teixeira, H. Caria, A. R. Rodrigues, H. Rosa, A. O´Neill, M. E.Andrea, D. P. Kelsell, G. Fialho, Lisbon, Setúbal, Almada, London |
11:45 | |
Cerebrocortical plasticity after acute and chronic unilateral lesion of the central vestibular system in rats: a micro-PET study
E. Lange, H. G. Buchholz, N. Bausbacher, A. Kronfeld, U. Stier, C. Best, M. Dieterich, M. Schreckenberger, S. Reuss, Mainz, München |
12:00 | | End of the workshop
| |
12:30 – 13:30 | | Lunch |
Monday 30th August |
1. | Microarray analysis of differential gene expression along the tonotopic axis of mouse cochlea
E. J. Son, S. Kim, L. Wu, H. Kim, J. Bok, Seoul |
2. | TMC1-Associated deafness in the Portuguese population
H. Simões-Teixeira, F. Moreno, G. Fialho, I. Del Castillo, H. Caria, Lisbon |
3. | Screening of mitochondrial DNA mutations involved in hearing impairment
V. Guaran, A. Castiglione, E. Tosi, M. Galasso, S. Volinia, A. Martini, Ferrara, Padua |
4. | Connexin 26 and connexin 30 immunostaining in wild type and Cx30T5M knock-in mice
G. Crispino, F. Mammano, Padua |
5. | Generation of a tamoxifen inducible hair cell specific TR(beta)1 knock-out mouse model
J. Dettling, C. Franz, U. Zimmermann, L. Rüttiger, J. Zuo, R. Feil, F. Flamant, M. Knipper, Tübingen, Memphis, Lyon |
6. | Intracochlear injection of adeno-associate virus vector to a mouse model created by a conditional knockout of GJB2 gene
T. Iizuka, H. Mochizuki, H. Okada, K. Kamiya, O. Minowa, T. Noda, K. Ikeda, Tokyo |
7. | Cochlear gap-junction plaque is disrupted by dominant-negative connexin26 mutation
K. Kamiya, K. Ikeda, Tokyo |
8. | Role of neural crest and Pax3 in mammalian inner ear development
D. J. Lee, K.-A. Kong, J. Bok, Seoul |
9. | Role of RAF kinases in inner ear development
M. Magariños, Maria Rodríguez Aburto, Rocio de Iriarte Rodríguez, U. Rapp, I. Varela-Nieto, Madrid, Munich |
10. | Differential requirement of Pou3f4 in the development of cochlear lateral wall: A study on a mouse model for DFN3
L. Wu, M. H. Song, S.-Y. Choi, S.-K. Oh, H. K. Lee, D. B. Shim, J. Y. Choi, U.-K. Kim, J. Bok, Seoul, Gangweon, Taegu |
11. | Expression analysis of prestin and selected transcription factors in newborn rats
J. Gross, M. Angerstein, J. Fuchs, K. Stute, B. Mazurek, Berlin |
12. | Immunological and genetical influence of systemic helper T cell on age-related cochlear functions
H. Iwai, M. Inaba, S. Baba, M. Sakaguchi, S. Ikehara, K. Tomoda, Osaka |
13. | Degeneration in marginal cells of the ageing mouse stria vascularis
J. O. Pickles, Brisbane |
14. | Activation of NF-κB-iNOS pathway in the lateral wall of aged cochlea
K.-I. Watanabe, S. Inai, K. Ohkubo, Tokyo |
15. | Identification of Caprin-1 as a novel target of Pou4f3 and its role in cochlear hair cells in response to ototoxic damage
E. R. Towers, J. J. Kelly, R. Sud, J. E. Gale, S. J. Dawson, London |
16. | Evaluation of the potential meningitis risk of dexamethasone-eluting cochlear implants: A new animal model
K. Niedermeier, T. Stark, S. Braun, R. Straubinger, J. Kiefer, A. Lohner, U. Koedel, S. Hammerschmidt, C. Fauser, Munich |
17. | Ototoxicity and bacteriostatic activity of methylrosaniline chloride
H. Higuchi, T. Yamano, M. Sugamura, T. Ueno, T. Nakagawa, T. Morizono, Fukuoka |
18. | Cross-defense of auditory hair cells against ototoxicity of gentamicin by non-toxic levels of amikacin
J. A. A. de Oliveira, D. A. E. Pires, M. Â. Hyppolito, M. Rossato, Ribeirão Preto |
19. | Synaptic activity in turtle calyx endings
S. Chatlani, J. M. Goldberg, Chicago |
20. | Electrophysiological and anatomical characterization of developing human cristae
R. Lim, A. J. Camp, M. A. Walsh, R. J. Callister, A. M. Brichta, Callaghan |
21. | Damage-induced ERK1/2 activation in mouse utricular organ explants and MDCK monolayers
G. J. Ball, J. E. Gale, London |
22. | Potassium and calcium concentration in cochlear endolymph after vestibular labyrinth injury
R. Ikeda, K. Nakaya, M. Yamazaki, T. Oshima, T. Kawase, T. Kobayashi, Sendai |
23. | Injection of virus vector targeting vestibule in mice
H. Okada, T. Iizuka, K. Kamiya, M. Kasai, H. Kasagi, A. Inoshita, K. Ikeda, Tokyo |
24. | Molecular identity and cAMP modulation of the hyperpolarization-activated current in afferent vestibular neurons
A. Almanza, F. Mercado, E. Luis, R. Vega, E. Soto, Puebla |
25. | Neurofibrillary pathology in the vestibular nuclei of the pR5 mouse
H. Schröder, C. Köhler, K. Pilz, T. Bauer, A. Selzer, E. Lange, J. Götz, S. Reuss, Cologne, Mainz, Sydney |
26. | Type 1 allergy-induced endolymphatic hydrops and the suppresive effect of anti-histamine drugs
T. Takeda, S. Takeda, A. Kakigi, R. Nishioka, Nishinomiya, Tokyo, Kochi |
27. | Expression of the proinflammatory cytokines in cochlear explant cultures: influence of normoxia and hypoxia
H. Haupt, A. J. Szczepek, M. Khan, H. Olze, B. Mazurek, Berlin |
28. | Detection of drugs in cochlear fluids following round window membrane application in the rat
H. Xiong, L. Rüttiger, A. Zuccotti, W. Singer, H.-S. Geisler, M. Knipper, Tübingen |
29. | Intracochlear distribution of intratympanically injected quantum dot-dexamethasone nanocomplex and analysis of the hearing recovery according to the frequency in sudden sensorineural hearing loss
I.-W. Lee, J. Lee, S.-K. Kong, E.-K. Goh, Busan |
30. | Increase of the neuroprotective effect of rolipram on spiral ganglion cells via nanoparticles carriage
H. Meyer, T. Stöver, F. Fouchet, G. Bastiat, P. Saulnier, W. Bäumer, T. Lenarz, V. Scheper, Hannover, Angers, Frankfurt |
31. | Nanoparticle-silicone composites for reduction of fibrous tissue growth
A. Burghard, A. Hahn, S. Barcikowski, H. Rohm, K. Sternberg, T. Lenarz, T. Stöver, G. Paasche, Hannover, Rostock |
32. | Intracochlear distribution of hyperbranched poly-L-lysine after intratympanic application in mice
T. Chumak, Z. Kadlecova, H.-A. Klok, J. Popelář, J. Syka, Prague, Lausanne |
33. | The effect of topical sodium thiosulfate in experimentally induced myringosclerosis
Y.-H. Park, Daejeon |
Tuesday 31st August |
34. | Analysis of the head related impulse response by means of an auditory model
F. Rund, V. Vencovský, Prague |
35. | Calculation of the traveling wave velocity - effects on sound coding
P. Marsalek, F. Julicher, Dresden, Kladno |
36. | Biological applications to the acoustic-wave hearing’s model
V. V. Ivanov, E. L. Ovchinnikov, Samara |
37. | Acoustic-wave model of hearing at the pre-receptor level
E. L. Ovchinnikov, V. V. Ivanov, Samara |
38. | 3-D modeling of cochlear fluid chambers for mechanical simulation models
Y. M. Yarin, A. A. Poznyakovskiy, M. Fleischer, J. Baumgart, Y. Kalaidzidis, B. Fischer, N. Lazulashvili, T. Zahnert, Dresden |
39. | Altered basilar artery permeability in response to cochlear applied capsaicin: A primary sensory innervation connecting headache and inner ear dysfunction
Z. Vass, A. L. Nuttall, Szeged, Portland |
40. | The role of 5‘ adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK) in the inner ear
M. Jaumann, J. Dettling, M. Foeller, L. Rüttiger, F. Lang, M. Knipper, Tübingen |
41. | Interaction partners of otoferlin play a role in endocytosis
S. V. Duncker, C. Franz, U. Schulte, B. Hirt, B. Fakler, U. Zimmermann, N. Brand, J. Engel, P. Ruth, M. Knipper, Tübingen, Freiburg |
42. | Decoupling of bicarbonate transport and charge movement in prestin/SLC26A5
P. Mistrik, K. Morandell, N. Daudet, J. Ashmore, London |
43. | Calcium signaling in Kölliker’s organ: a study based on the hemicochlea preparation
E. Simeonato, F. Mammano, Padua |
44. | A computational framework to analyze intracellular calcium oscillations and intercellular calcium waves in cochlear supporting cells
F. Ceriani, F. Mammano, Padua |
45. | Simultaneous calcium entry sites in cochlear inner hair cells of the adult mouse imaged by 2-photon confocal microscopy
S. Culley, J. Ashmore, London |
46. | Systematic effects of interference tones presented above f2 on DPOAE residuals
G. K. Martin, B. B. Stagner, Y. S. Chung, B. L. Lonsbury-Martin, Loma Linda |
47. | Optical coherence tomography for the diagnosis of inner ear diseases
T. Sakamoto, T. Adachi, T. Inaoka, T. Nakagawa, J. Ito, Kyoto |
48. | Glial cell distribution in the mouse cochlea and in cultured spiral ganglion neurons
S. Hansen, P.-R. Erfkemper, S. Dazert, J. Schipper, Duesseldorf, Bochum |
49. | Cochlear implantation trauma study with two surgical methods and possible hearing protection by dexamethasone release
L. Astolfi, P. Giordano, S. Magosso, M. Pannella, T. Sathiyaseelan, E. Simoni, V. Cascella, L. Giari, S. Hatzopoulos, S. Prosser, S. Braun, J. Tillein, A. Martini, Ferrara, Frankfurt, Innsbruck, Padua |
50. | Biofunctionalization of cochlear implants - alginates as scaffold for neurotrophic factor producing cells
V. Scheper, F. Ehrhart, H. Zimmermann, H. Meyer, T. Lenarz, Hannover, St Ingbert |
51. | Culture model of neurotrophin mediated regulation and stimulation of neurite outgrowth in mouse cochlear spiral ganglia
B. Kramer, A. Tropitzsch, M. Knipper, M. Müller, H. Löwenheim, Tübingen |
52. | A new experimental otoprotective protocol against noise induced hearing loss
V. Cascella, P. Giordano, S. Hatzopoulos, S. Prosser, J. Petruccelli, E. Simoni, L. Astolfi, A. Martini, Ferrara, Worcester |
53. | Expressions of endothelin-1, endothelin receptor A, B in the cochlea of noise induced transient threshold shift rat model
H.-J. Kim, Y.-H. Park, Daejeon |
54. | A proteome of the stria vascularis vasculature and that noise-induced vascular leakage correlates with PKCη regulation of Na+, K+-ATPase α1-initiated phosphorylation of occludin
X. Shi, A. Nuttall, Portland |
55 | Liposome-encapsulated hemoglobin alleviates hearing loss after transient cochlear ischemia and reperfusion
M. Okada, A. T. Kawaguchi, N. Hakuba, N. Omotehara, S. Takeda, J. Hyodo, N. Hato, K. Gyo, Matsuyama, Tokyo |
56. | Simultaneously reduced Na, K-ATPase and NKCC1 expression in murine cochlear lateral wall contributes to conservation of endocochlear potential following a sensorineural hearing loss
H. Xiong, Tübingen |
57. | Spiral ganglion cell morphology in guinea pigs after deafening and neurotrophic treatment
M. C. van Loon, H. Versnel, M. J. H. Agterberg, J. C. M. J. de Groot, W. Grolman, S. F. L. Klis, Utrecht |
58. | AM-111 protects against hearing loss and inner hair cell loss after transient cochlear ischemia
Y. Omotehara, N. Hakuba, M. Okada, K. Gyo, Matsuyama |
59. | Combination therapy of systemic steroids, antiviral agent, anticoagulants and stellate ganglion block for the treatment of sudden sensorineural hearing loss
K. H. Park, C. K. Lee, J. D. Lee, Cheonan, Bucheon |
60. | Simvastatin and gentamicin-induced auditory hair cell loss
Y. Brand, A. Listyo, C. Setz, S. Levano, V. Radojevic, P. J. Mullen, D. Bodmer, Basel |
61. | Role of homocysteine metabolism in hearing loss
R. Martinez-Vega, G. Camarero, R. Cediel, G. Varela-Moreiras, M. A. Pajares, I. Varela-Nieto, Madrid, Valencia |
62. | Brainstem responses following cochlear damage inducing tinnitus
W. Singer, A. Zuccotti, M. Matsumoto, M. Knipper, L. Rüttiger, Tübingen, Kyoto |
63. | Developmental changes of the startle response induced by acoustic trauma in rats
N. Rybalko, J. Burianová, Z. Bureš, J. Syka, Prague, Jihlava |
64. | The subcellular distribution of presynaptic glycine receptors correlates with the occurrence of endogenous sources of their agonists
J. Trojanová, Á. Kulik, J. Janáček, R. Tureček, Prague, Freiburg |
65. | Changes in calbindin immunoreactivity with aging in the central auditory system of the rat
L. Ouda, J. Syka, Prague |
66. | Effect of the environment on the immature rat auditory system affected by noise during the developmental period
J. Grécová, Z. Bureš, T. Chumak, J. Popelář, J. Syka, Prague, Jihlava |
67. | Comparison of the electrophysiological membrane properties of layer V pyramidal neurons in the primary auditory cortex and belt area of the rat
K. Pysanenko, O. Profant, J. Syka, R. Tureček, Prague |
68. | Hearing preservation in patients with Schwannoma of the 8th cranial nerve
O. Profant, M. Chovanec, J. Kluh, E. Zvěřina, J. Betka, J. Syka, Prague |
Get Together Party at the Hotel Diplomat
Beer Party Dinner at the Strahov Monastery Restaurant
Date: | | Monday 30th August |
Time: | | 20:00 – 23:00 |
Location: | | Strahov Monastery Restaurant, Strahovské nádvoří 302, Prague 1 www.klasternirestaurace.cz |
Admission: | | € 25 |
Conference Gala Dinner at the Kaiserštejnský Palác
Date: | | Tuesday 31st August |
Time: | | 20:00 – 23:00 |
Location: | | Kaiserstejnsky Palace, 2nd floor Malostranské naměstí 23/37, Prague 1 www.kaiserstejnskypalac.cz |
Admission: | | € 60 |