Aims & Scope
Physiological Research is a peer reviewed Open Access journal
that publishes articles on normal and pathological physiology,
biochemistry, biophysics, and pharmacology.
Authors can submit original, previously unpublished research articles,
review articles, rapid or short communications.
Instructions for Authors
- Respect the instructions carefully when submitting your manuscript.
Submitted manuscripts or revised manuscripts that do not follow these
Instructions will not be included into the peer-review process.
The articles are available in full versions
as pdf files beginning
with volume 40, 1991.
The journal publishes the online
Ahead of Print /Pre-Press version of the articles that are searchable
in Medline and can be cited.
Physiological Research is published bimonthly by the
Institute of
Physiology, Czech Academy of Sciences, Vídeòská 1083,
142 20 Prague 4, Czech Republic.