Template:Run BLAST(settings)

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Run BLAST(settings)

To run blast remotely against NCBI (need to be connected to the internet) or against local database click Run BLAST (settings) in BLAST menu on the BLAST form.

remote search

To use the BLAST against NCBI database select "remote (NCBI)" option for DATABASE SOURCE.
Choose database and modify other blast options as needed. Then click "RUN (removes previous results)" button to start.
Note: Computer must be connected to the internet for the remote option.

local database search

To BLAST against previously created local database select "local" option for DATABASE SOURCE and select directory where database is stored by "Select local database file(s)" button. The selected database will appear in upper right corner of the window and there you can select the one to be used in blast. You can set the "number of threads" to speed up the searching process. The maximum number is dependent on computer processor size/type. Modify other blast options as needed. Then click "RUN (removes previous results)" button to start.