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We are a detached department belonging to the Institute of Analytical Chemistry in Brno.
Our research is focused on all aspects of the generation and the atomization of volatile compounds for analytical atomic spectrometry - method development, applications, mechanistic studies.

Main subjects are:
- Atomization of volatile species in dielectric barrier discharges - design development, optimization of experimental conditions, mechanistic studies, applications.
- New atomizers of volatile species for AAS and AFS.
- In atomizer trapping of hydride forming elements - method development, optimization of experimental conditions, application.
- Generation of volatile species of transition elements.
- Development of an atomic fluorescence spectrometer – optical pathway, lamp source, detector, interference filters, atomizers.
- (Ultra)trace speciation analysis of arsenic in biological and environmental samples by hydride generation coupled with cryotrapping with subsequent AAS, AFS or ICP-MS detection, and by HPLC-ICP-MS or HPLC-HG-AFS.
- Environmental analysis trace element analysis, including speciation analysis (HPLC, ICP-MS, AAS).
- Preparation of radiotracers and their application to development of new analytical methods.